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  • Writer's pictureThe Oakmoor Hare

To become inspired get out and find the beauty...

A key aspect of what we do as The Oakmoor Hare is to travel around sourcing the hard to find, high quality and beautifully constructed furniture we take so much pride in presenting to our clients.

Trust us, we have to venture on many trips which often disappoint! but invariably we are able to use the time to gain inspiration from the beauty which surrounds us. It is often the case that you look at the architectural quality in the design of stunning buildings and it lends to the exquisite form of well constructed furniture.

It is also sadly true that the modern method of construction of furniture, in an affordable price range, is sadly left wanting when in comparison to selected pieces sourced from times long gone? We search for 'from' in the pieces we offer, form which is designed to transcend 'fad' fashion, form which will grace any room in any home - on many occasions it becomes the stand out piece of the room itself?

Colour is also something which can offer inspiration, a simple dog walk can present a photo opportunity where a colour stands out, adding to our choice of pallet. Simply look at the stunning hue of the foliage in the tree in our local church yard in the picture below - simply wow! Don't be surprised to see items of furniture in our portfolio which emulate that luxurious autumnal colour in the future.

In short, if you are looking for inspiration in the home, simply get out and look at the beautiful buildings in and around your area and you will be assured to come home brimming with ideas! Happy hunting...

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